Wednesday 25 September 2024


 Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday. So again, my desk is the kitchen, this is usually the way at this time of year with all the harvests from the allotments. 

Tuesday evening I made cucumber pickles. I picked about 5 outdoor cucumbers this week so I defo needed to make something with them!

Considering I didn't have enough rhubarb this year to make jam or chutney, i was worried i wouldn't have enough to see me through the year, but, a late flurry of green tomatoes, courgettes and cucumbers means I do have a few made and hopefully I can make a few more over the next couple of weeks. 

So, what are you making? Cooking, sewing, drawing etc? 



  1. Nothing so very impressive on my desk! I don't eat a lot of chutney or pickles but you seem to have a good supply ! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Lush. The Hubster loves pickle of any kind but my skills are limited to pickled red onion on the fly, not canned :)
    A quick hop before knitting at mine!
    Happy WOYWW.
    Mary Anne (4)

  3. I'm on holiday at the mo, so no activity of any sort.
    My late husband used to do all the pickling and he also made chutneys. I still have some on the shelf.
    Happy WOYWW,
    Lisca #4

  4. That's a nice desk flex this week - the cookery desk. Chutney is some arcane science and we don't eat enough (don't grow anything either to be fair) of chutney to make it worth making our own. Our neighbour sometimes makes things and gives us a jar of something, or a loaf of bread, and their chilli jam has been a little bit hit and miss, bless them! Hope the chutney tastes amazing and keeps well for you.

  5. I'm always so impressed with what you make with your harvest. We have had lots of beetroot this year and I've been making beet and onion
    TarteTatin and it was gorgeous. Not sure what I'll do with the rest. Have a good woyww. Hugs Angela x13x

  6. I think that's an impressive lot, home grown and produced by you. I can't think of anything better. It's always a battle against the elements when you are growing. I like a bit of chutney and I'm really into pickled red cabbage at the the moment lol. Happy Woyww - Michelle #16 x

  7. A very impressive desk, Kyla. I like a bit of pickle, too.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 xx

  8. Wow! You've been busy. I don't make pickles and chutneys because I'm just not keen on them. However, my daughter has been keeping me well stocked with vegetables from her garden - squash, courgettes, carrots and cabbage - so I'm busy filling the freezer to keep me going through winter. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #8

  9. It’s always impressive seeing your homemade produce. I imagine it brings you a lot of satisfaction. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

  10. That's a great supply of pickles... Happy WOYWW! Susan #3

  11. You have been very busy! I've never done all that preserving before, although I used to, a long time ago, make strawberry jam. That's about it! But to have all that yumminess just waiting for winter, almost would make me look forward to winter! LOL! Have a great week, Lindart #17

  12. Always love a nice chutney Kyla - yours sound delicious. Sorry to be so late visiting this week but I had great difficulty getting my computer to link up with the internet on Wednesday and a busy week at work. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW memories next week.


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