Saturday 6 January 2018

Happiness Jar

So, a couple of years ago I made two promises to myself.  One was to do a daily walk, not to beat myself up if I didn't do one each day especially as with my RA sometimes I am in so much pain I am unable to get out of bed easily.  But most days I manage a walk, sometimes VERY short and slow (and with my sticks) other days a little longer.

The other promise was to do a jar of happiness.  Each day to write a short statement about something nice that happened, or made me laugh.  Again, not to beat myself up if I didn't do it every day, accepting somedays it is hard to find something positive.  BUT most days my husband and I managed to find something positive to note down in the jar.

We keep adding to it and at the end of the year/start of the new year we sit down and read through them all, reliving all the lovely, happy memories that happened during the year.

It costs me nothing (it is an old coffee tin and cut up scrap paper) yet really does lift the spirits and reminds you to think about small positives throughout the week, even if it is as simple as the sun on your face or a lovely hot bath.

I intend once again to carry on with both of these this year as I truly do believe they have helped both my mental and physical wellbeing.

Do you do any small acts regularly that help?  I would love to hear about them.

Happy crafting

1 comment:

  1. I am super over impressed at your walks, I’d forgotten about the jar, bet it’s made a lovely reading session, at our age we have all we want so to remind yourself of the little things is lovely.


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