Wednesday 28 August 2024


 Morning all, not tried a revised fruit picker (yet) as I had to do some quick repairs. My walking sandals, which, yes, I have had for probably about a decade, finally fell apart! I was walking and the soles flapped off!! 


So, in true crafting fashion out came my glues and various clamps and I set about repairing them. I know they will fall apart again, but, if i can get through the summer then they can be replaced, when, hopefully end of season sales start!! 

Also on my desk is the next pages of my 365 journal. Waiting for the spray paints to dry so I can cut up the daily squares and attach them. 

My 'my bites dog' cards this week are 'feds judge cruel movie mob boss'......ooh not sure where to go with that one!!!

So, what's on your workdesk Wednesday?


Wednesday 21 August 2024


 Morning all, apologies but didn't make all the return visits last week, time just disappeared! So, this is the apple picker I tried making last week

I attached it to the end of the stick and went out to give it a try. However, now I know why people screw them to the sticks as it dislodged in the tree and I was left there poking the tree until the plastic bottle fell back down! 

However, my desk last night was the kitchen as I picked loads of elderberry and made my next batch of elderberry vinegar, woke up this morning and there is a slight smell of vinegar around the house but it's so worth it as I LOVE this vinegar. It's like a victorian shrub, so can be added to drinks, salads or food (we use it in pasta, chilli, stews). 

Hope you are all having a great week and kook forward to visiting and getting inspired.


Wednesday 14 August 2024


 Hello fellow what's on your workdesk Wednesday peeps. I have a different sort of craft on my may know I have an allotment, try to do dailywalks and since I was a kid I have foraged (or as a kid scrumping!!). So what's on my desk? 


Over the past couple of years I noticed the trees I often pick fruit from are higher, too high for me to reach so I thought I would have a go at making my own fruit picker from an old plastic bottle andy walking stick! Who knows? It may work and if not it didn't cost me a penny, just time! 

If you know any top foraging tips let me know!
