Wednesday 3 July 2024


 Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday and the fabulous mantle has been passed to the amazingly crafty Sarah.

So, what's on my workdesk? My journal again for the 365 challenge. This will be July's page as a few days behind. On my last update a few said they would like to see the cover....but it's just plain black so am guessing you'd rather not, lol. 


This is just the base layer spays and I will cut up the papers to create the small daily squares. 

My 'man bites dog' cards this week are 'lawyer weds cruel scam' .....ooh, I wonder who or what the scam was 😉

Not much else to show as this time of year the allotment takes most of my free time, no jam or chutney making yet but I am making this....

Strawberry vinegar.....I haven't had many off the allotment so had to add some #yellowsticker strawberries but chuffed with the first batch and another being made at the moment 

So, what's on your workdesk? 




  1. Strawberry vinegar - what will you use it for? My digestion cannot take vinegar of any flavour, but I did buy raspberry vinegar a few years ago out of curiosity, a few drops in water is supposed to be good for you. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  2. Strawberry vinegar sounds intrguing! We've got so many plants but barely had a fruit on any of them! What a weird year. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #8,

  3. I’m going to ask how you use the strawberry vinegar as well! Sounds lovely. I like the bright colours on your masterboard, that’s going to be useful for backgrounds!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  4. Ive not heard if it either but I guess you can make any flavour... like the start of the July calendar pages. Happy woyww Helen #2

  5. Your raspberry vinigar looks good but like the others not sure what you use it for. Interesting 'Man Bites Dog' too. Hope to see more of the journal page as it progresses. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

  6. Strawberry vinegar sounds interesting, I've never had it! I don't know who the lawyer will be marrying, but it sounds juicy! Looking forward to seeing July's pages! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #14

  7. Strawberry vinegar sounds delicious Kyla. I be there will be a lot of chutney and jam making before long too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  8. LOL! Yes, what is the scam?? I am sure way back in the day, raspberry vinegar was a thing, for salads etc. Never tried strawberry ones! You are a marvel when it comes to your allotment and getting interesting items from the produce. Lovely colour too!
    Late AGAIN - the day got away from me
    Mary Anne (3)


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