Wednesday 21 August 2024


 Morning all, apologies but didn't make all the return visits last week, time just disappeared! So, this is the apple picker I tried making last week

I attached it to the end of the stick and went out to give it a try. However, now I know why people screw them to the sticks as it dislodged in the tree and I was left there poking the tree until the plastic bottle fell back down! 

However, my desk last night was the kitchen as I picked loads of elderberry and made my next batch of elderberry vinegar, woke up this morning and there is a slight smell of vinegar around the house but it's so worth it as I LOVE this vinegar. It's like a victorian shrub, so can be added to drinks, salads or food (we use it in pasta, chilli, stews). 

Hope you are all having a great week and kook forward to visiting and getting inspired.



  1. Love the colour of that vinegar! Might have to see if I can find any elderberry around us. Enjoy the last few days of the summer, Lisa-Jane #12

  2. I love the idea of your elderberry vinegar. Your apple picker seems a good notion as long as you can keep the bottle on the stick! I seem to remember having to twist apples to snap the stalk but they weren’t ripe so I guess it makes a difference. I’ll be interested to see how you get on with mark 2.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 7 xx

  3. That vinegar sounds delicious Kyla. Glad you managed to get the top of your picker out of the tree. The bird images in my collage journal are stickers - I cheat I am afraid. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

    1. Ooh not cheating, they would make lovely stamps kyla

  4. So nice to have home made produce! Good luck with the second version of your apple picker. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  5. hope the apple picker works better this time. the vinegar sounds very useful. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  6. Too bad about the apple picker - good idea though! I don't know if we have Elderberries here, we must, but I never see them. Interesting vinegar! I heard yesterday to watch out for white vinegar for pickling etc, to make sure that it is 5% and not 4%, as some brands have gone down to 4%. Have a great week, Lindart #15

  7. I'm late today as we've been out but here now. Good luck improving the apple picker. The vinegar sounds good. Wishing you a very happy woyww evening. Hugs Angela x9x


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