Wednesday 28 August 2024


 Morning all, not tried a revised fruit picker (yet) as I had to do some quick repairs. My walking sandals, which, yes, I have had for probably about a decade, finally fell apart! I was walking and the soles flapped off!! 


So, in true crafting fashion out came my glues and various clamps and I set about repairing them. I know they will fall apart again, but, if i can get through the summer then they can be replaced, when, hopefully end of season sales start!! 

Also on my desk is the next pages of my 365 journal. Waiting for the spray paints to dry so I can cut up the daily squares and attach them. 

My 'my bites dog' cards this week are 'feds judge cruel movie mob boss'......ooh not sure where to go with that one!!!

So, what's on your workdesk Wednesday?



  1. I hope you can get your sandals to see you through to the end of season and find a reasonably priced replacement! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. LOL! I so need to do that to my "house shoes" as the soles have completely split. Luckily they are covered with fur and that is holding them together...for now. But for an extra E it could have been Cruel Judge FEEDS Movie Mob Boss - maybe popcorn? :)

    Hoping for a better desk-hop day this week!
    Mary Anne (3)

    1. Ooh liking the 'feeds' I so got an image when I blink! Lol, kyla

  3. Always good to repair stuff and hope it works for your fav sandals!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  4. Hope your sandals last the season!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #7

  5. Had a smile at the sandal repair, I've been knitting square patches for a cardigan I love. the elbows have gone so needed patching, a new pocket (didn't have one at all) proves useful and the back where the cardigan has been rubbed a lot (my bad back masssage) has a huge one on over the top of the original patch. Got a lovely bed jacket but I love this cardigan and cannot bear to part with it.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  6. Good luck with your sandal repair. I hate buying new shoes. Two pairs of sandals had to be thrown away this year as the soles had totally disintegrated! Not seen that before. I have decided not to buy spray paint as it seems to get everywhere! Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

  7. Hope the repairs to your sandals last until the end of season sales start Kyla. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  8. Good for you not giving up on your sandals. I hope they last till the sales, at least.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lynnecrafts 13 xx

  9. I think the sales for walking shoes/boots and sandles has started already as we've been looking for some for hubby but it's always worth having a go at mending stuff especially if you love them. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

  10. Oh so funny with the sandals - Hubby has just done the exact same thing for my walking boots but sadly they had holes in the uppers too. I have some new ones now, half price plus a bit extra off as they are different shades as one had been on the shop floor. Hugs BJ#12

  11. Hubby was always mending his sandles too, Mine? seem to last forever and then fall apart never to be reconized again! thats usually when stones get in through the soles! Have a great week, I;m House/dog sitting so Not much crafting going on! Have a happy (late) WOYWW!?((Lyn)) #15


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