Wednesday 11 September 2024


 Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday. This week my desk is the kitchen! Yep, finally it's chutney making time.

My apple picker I made the other week didn't work, however, I stumbled across a chap in a tractor this week! Now, I often chat to strangers and he volunteered to use his tractor to reach the apples he spotted me eyeing up high in the tree!! Result! 
My outdoor tomatoes on the allotment I decided to pick a couple bags of them green. I doubt many will ripen now and there is blight on a couple plots down so I thought with all this rain to pick some whilst I can and kept in a paper bag at home they will slowly ripen too.
And these are the huge white courgettes on the plot!! This week I have picked 4 of these and 5 cucumbers too!! All my usual yellow and green courgettes failed this year but luckily this one plant flourished! 

I don't actually recall sowing it!! I am guessing they were seeds in one of magazines and unusual for me I don't appear to have made a note of bit, but it's producing and that means 'harvest chutney' making sessions are now filling my time!!

So, what's on your workdesk?



  1. Result with the apples! the chutney looks great too. I have never seen white courgettes before. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. What a great haul already Kyla. I can just taste that chutney lol. May you be able to make much more! Stay safe and happy WOWYW. Sarah

  3. I talk to everyone too! It used to embarrass the hell out of my sons when they were younger but now they do it too, lol!! Hooray for free apples and chutney making, the epitome of autumn - happy days xx
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  4. Those toms look blue! Might be interesting if they really were. The white courgettes are odd, never seen one before. And the apple picker! What a star - and you for making all that. I'm lucky I'm still full of brekkie each week when I visit :)
    Quick scoot round before knitting WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  5. We lost all of our outside tomatoes at the back of the house - 27 plants! Definitely going to have to purchase blight resistance for next year as this is the third or fourth year on the trot now. Our courgettes have done amazingly this year but not seen those white ones before. Best wishes, Lisa-Jane #13

  6. It all looks wonderful - green tomato chutney is a thing anyway isn't it? Wish I had the patience and commitment for veggies. My whole garden is much neglected this year, it always seems too cold yto me these days. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy #7

  7. A bit of gentle persuasion and a smile works wonders in getting stuff done and it obviously worked in getting the apples picked. I've got my tomatoes in the greenhouse so they are still ripening though slowly. Wishing you a happy woyww, hugs Angela x12x

  8. Well done for getting your apples! I also talk to strangers, especially in the queue for the check out, or waiting for a bus.
    I've never seen white courgettes. They look like aubergine size. Do they taste the same?
    Happy WOYWW,

  9. What a great haul and your chutney looks fantastic too! Well done with those apples too! Happy WOYWW, have a great rest of the week. Michelle x #18

  10. That was very gallant of the man with the tractor, Kyla. The chutney looks very tasty. My daughter grew green and yellow courgettes this year. I'll have to tell her about your white ones. She's into growing unusual vegetables. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #9

  11. Gosh, white courgettes! That was lovely and kind of the tractor guy. Have a fruitful harvest from your plot. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

  12. Always love to see your produce! Interested to see the white courgettes! Happy WOYWW! Susan #3

  13. You have some great crops there and well done with the farmer’s help! I heard a banana put in with your tomatoes might help them ripen.
    Catching up today - have a good week
    Lynnecrafts 14 xx

  14. Wow busy with the harvest and chutney making. Hugs BJ#6


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