Wednesday 24 July 2024


Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday I think I found a workaround to get my photos on my blog, fingers crossed. 

So, as is often the way this time of year my workdesk is actually my allotments! 


I have harvested some 2nd early potatoes, shallots, onions, broadbeans, lettuce and radish so far as well as berries.  Sadly my squash and courgettes and runner beans have mostly been eaten by slugs! 

However my nasturtiums have once again taken over!! I use the leaves and flowers in salads and pickle the green seed pods like capers, but once again there are far too many and are taking over! 

But either way, its still great to spend time there and harvest my own food.

Not crafting at a workdesk but it's what's taking my time at the moment! 



  1. It’s so satisfying growing your own - I’ve got runner and French beans romping up the poles at the moment, they like this warm and wet weather we’ve had recently. It’s like Day of the Triffids out there!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  2. Always amazing, how green your thumb LOL! My Mom says I have a black on, but I have managed to keep some Venus fly-traps alive for about 5 years, thru a couple of re-pottings so maybe not as hopeless as al that LOL!
    Dashing around before knitting…
    Mary Anne (2)

  3. Sorry to hear about the dratted slugs Kyla. Hope you manage to stop them eating any more. Great harvest of the rest! You can tell it's the summer holidays because I have had a lie in! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  4. I'm always trying to avoid slugs on my walk to work. They're everywhere this 'summer' . Hope some of your crops survive . Helen #1

  5. Hi Kyla I've been growing beetroot, peas, carrots and salad stuff in my raised beds this year but think I planted too much Rocket as it's gone mad! The slugs have gone mad here this year but don't seem to have managed to get into the raised beds as yet! Take care and have a good woyww whatever you decide to do. Hugs Angela x11X

  6. Oooh I didn't know that about the nasturtium capers! We do it with wild garlic that grows in abundance in our garden. I'll have to send you some courgettes as we've actually had a glut this year for the first time. What a funny old year it's been?! Have a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #9,

  7. It wonderful to grow your own food (though hard work). Enjoy your produce. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  8. Well it is already Monday and I am only just getting round to commenting. I was taking part in a virtual retreat which started on Thursday and finished last night - pretty full on - especially as I had other commitments too. Anyway now to finish all the workshops!

    We are still getting used to the different seasons now that we live in Australia. Our veggie patch is full of winter cabbage etc rather then what we were used to in the UK at this time. It is lovely to get your own veggies - mind you we seemed to have a glut of everything in the Summer - the neighbours profited!

    Happy WOYWW! Susan #5


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