Wednesday 28 December 2022

WOYWW last of 2022

 Morning all, hope everyone had as good a christmas as possible? Ours was a quiet one but lovely to spend time with hubby and no work. Christmas day was a wet day so stayed in most of the day unlike boxing day when it was dry and sunny so we popped to our nearest town and watched the local Mummers do a street play that has been performed in the town for 200 years! 

Was brilliant to watch and the audience participation was good too! 

So onto my desk. Thought it would be a perfect opportunity to crack on with my journals so i have gesso'd my 365 journal and i will add colour later. I also finished my bullet journal pages for january so i will be ready for the start of the month! Most unusual!! 

My 'man bites dog' headline this week is 'crazy judge snubs last lover'!! 

So, what's on your workdesk this Wednesday? 



Wednesday 14 December 2022


 Ah, not much to show on this week's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.  Desk has no crafting, mainly as its been SO cold (snow this week) so after work I have been tucked under my electric blanket on the sofa annoying hubby by grabbing the TV controller :-)

I have however turned on my little led lights I keep round the desk (well it's almost Christmas) and I plan on making something with my painted backing cards I used up my old paint tubes on the other week, when i say plan, i don't have one, but I am sure something will come to mind once I start!

Remembered my "man bites dog" cards this week and loving this weeks headline "Blonde Exec Weds Model Nurse!" - nice :-)

So, What's on your workdesk this wednesday?


Wednesday 7 December 2022


Happy WOYWW, going to start with an apology as didnt make it round all the returns as the week just ran away. No excuse apart from work, allotment and trying to catch up on housework, yuk! 

Did manage to grab a quick 1hr at my desk though (forgot my MBD headline cards sorry) and used some offcuts to make a couple of cards for the stash.

And then i cooked! Made our Christmas cake! Every year i make the same cake, it takes 3 ingredients (flour, dried fruit and a liquid-i usually use oat milk with a little cocoa and coffee mixed in). Thats it! I also add some mixed spice and top with pecans. Now, every year i make the same mistake, i forget the handwritten recipe in my book makes 2!! Yep, been making it each year for years, even has it written on the recipe with a highlighter over it! Oh well, more cake for hubby in the next week or so!! 

One thing i did manage was to go back to my old childhood home town and see the christmas lights switch on, and my brother, sis in law and my little niece visited too (lovely as they live a few hrs drive away so was lovely to watch the  switch on with them). 

And the great thing was spotting these post box toppers round the town! 

 Loved them! I cant knit or crotchet (well i can but am rubbish at it) so have SO much respect for these. 

So, what's on your workdesk this Wednesday?


Wednesday 30 November 2022

WOYWW and Inktober catchup

 Happy What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.  Now, to be honest, I took this photo last night, i thought it was an ideal situation to update that I have finally finished Inktober, only almost a month late, but I finished and thought I would share.  I have taken part in Inktober for about 8 or 9 years now, at the start I sketched and abandoned the art where I was sketching, then 7 years ago i decided to start doing them on tags (easier to keep in my bag and sketch on the go) which I also abandoned.  Then, 6 years ago I decided to keep them, on a split ring and hang them above my desk.  Good for referencing back and seeing how my style may have changed. As you can see they hang on the underneath of the shelf at the top of my desk (which for about 15 years now has been a computer desk with the printer above and a pull out keyboard underneath. So much easier than sketchbooks etc and really easy to flick through.

these are the tags, this year I chose to colour them with inktense pencils

Some of the daily prompts I really struggled with, hence it took me so long to catch up.  The ones I mainly struggled with were "scurry", "forget", "salty", "bluff" (must admit went back to my o level geography days for that prompt!) "tempting" and "uh-oh!"
But got there in the end and pleased I finished as I have taken part for so long and do enjoy it.  No "man bites dog" cards this week (as they fell behind the desk so need to get my grabber and ferret around to find them!) but aware also I need to crack on with Christmas stuff at some point!

So, whats on your workdesk?


Wednesday 23 November 2022


 Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday and look, stuff! I used those paints up!! I made 4 backgrounds 2 blue, black and white and 2 green, red and grey. Not sure what to do next, to be honest will probably look at Mary Anne, Helen and Angelas blogs as i find they usually have some fantastic masterboard and technique ideas. Thinking maybe stencils and more paint! 

Also on my desk i am finishing off Inktober! Yes, I know, almost a month behind but when  finished i will take some photos and share them. 

My 'Man Bites Dog' cards this week-'crazy model wife wanted!' Or could be 'wife wanted crazy model!' 

Anyhoo, what's on your workdesk this Wednesday?


Wednesday 16 November 2022


 Happy hump day where we share our desks across the globe, thanks to the lovely Julia over on 

So, not much on my desk this week as its the same mess as the past couple of weeks, just gets pushed to one side!  However, on my desk is my travel sketch book.  I did manage to get to this months Bristol Urban Sketchers meet up at Underfall Boat yard.  I love meeting up with them, such a talented bunch and its 2 hours of time just for me and sketching, something that I rarely get to do.  Sadly I wasn't able to stay long after for a catch up but was great to see all the drawings.

My "man bites dog" cards this week are "Angry Lover Snubs Cop" - wow, good headline considering these are randomly drawn from the pack!

So, whats on your workdesk  this week?


Wednesday 2 November 2022

Woyww 700

 Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday.  Its the 700th WOYWW that the lovely Queen of Desks over on created and runs, an amazing group i am pleased to have been part of.

Only a very quick update as the pay the bills job is full on so very little time for much else at the moment. 

On my desk is my 365 and bullet journal as i am trying to quickly get them in order for November! At the back is the inevitable pile of pushed back paint tubes from last week, not moved them! I will at some point, honest! Even if just to put them back in the storage box,lol! 

Still catching up with inktober so am hoping to post an update on that soon.

My Man Bites Dog cards this week-last heiress burns drugs! Well, anything is possible!! 

So, what's On your workdesk? 


Wednesday 26 October 2022


 Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday. Only a quick update from me as the desk is a mess! No idea what possessed me BUT I thought it would be a good idea to sort through my paints and maybe use up the odds and ends doing some background paper designs (no idea of techniques just my usual 'winging it'!)  Some of the paints are VERY old so they do need sorting! No idea when I will get round to actually making the backgrounds, but if i have the odds and ends put to one side then at some point they will drive me round the bend and force me to use them! 

My 'man bites dog' cards this week are 'Angry Lover Tricks Judge'! Ooh, bit more interesting than most of the news in the past week! 
So, what's on your workdesk?

Wednesday 19 October 2022


 Morning peeps, first an apology time got away with me last week and I didnt manage to get round all the desks to return the comments.  I must admit, I am so behind I have a weeks worth of Inktober to catch up on!  I do this every year but I must admit this is the most behind I can recall being, I will catch up and if not, never mind I can carry on with it in November but it would be good to catch up!

So, this was my desk last night and to be honest it pretty much looks the same this morning, only managed to get one more Inktober tag done and the mess is still staring back at me (well, until I sweep it into an envelope to hide it until the evening!).  

This is the 6th year I have done Inktober on tags.  I like to hang them on a ring under the shelf on my desk and it gives me inspiration to flick through them now and again.

As to my "Man Bites Dog" cards this week - "Rare teen slays singer!" couldnt make anything nice out of it so moving on!

Thought I would give a quick update on the allotments. Sweetcorn and beans are now all finished, however the swede are looking really good and I have been harvesting them for a couple of weeks now and I am hoping I have a couple of months worth to harvest (at about 1 a week as they are quite large)

The winter salads have failed again!  I sowed 3 times and each time the slugs ate the seedlings.  However, a mate gave me some of hers so I have transplanted them so hopefully they will provide me with some additional salads until later in the winter (still have to buy lettuce each week as I do get through a lot but it will certainly help).  Also my land cress and lambs lettuce is ok so hoping once again I will be able to over winter these as the past few years they have added some real punch to bland winter salads.

and this is the reason I got a 2nd plot (my plots are only half size, whereas the ones i had in the 90s were a full 10 rods) - to grow more squash!  I love squash, I get through one a week roasted for my lunches everyday (roasted veg wrap and salad) and that doesnt include the ones for our supper etc!  Almost 30 of them, happy days!

and a rare selfie!  Just for scale so you can see the size of the crown prince squash!  Only one per plant, BUT, they weigh so much my scales say "overloaded!" and I think that will last for a fortnights lunches and probably at least 2 meals for the house so dead chuffed!

So, what's on your workdesk this Wednesday?


Wednesday 12 October 2022


 Morning peeps, after a couple weeks off work (went to london for a few days and some day trips too, our first proper break from work since Christmas) we are back on the treadmill.  BUT, I have managed to make a mess of my craft room.

So on my desk, at the back are my intense pencils.  Every year I take part in Inktober, I am a week behind so am quickly playing catch up.  For the past few years I do them on tags (you can see some of the previous years hanging up across the top of my desk)hanging on a ring hook.  I find this easier and doesnt take up too much room.  Also on my desk is an empty coffee jar, I tend to reuse these for preserves, especially the nice Douwe Egberts ones as they have a great vinegar proof stopper.  Years ago I found that after peeling away the labels in a bowl of hot water, the easiest way to get rid of the last of the glue on the glass is to use crafters companion stick away (I used to use WD40 but find stick away less messy). So thats my jar soaking for a few mins before I rub the last of the glue off.

My man Bites Dog cards "devoted fans lost thousands"......mmmm

So, whats on your workdesk this wednesday?


Wednesday 5 October 2022


 Morning peeps, looking forward to seeing the crop updates. So sad to have missed it but we were on our summer hols for our silver wedding anniversary. We went to london for the week, first time since Feb 2020 so lots to catch up on. Kew (thanks to Helen for the top tips), chelsea physic garden, Regents park (including their community allotment), tate modern, street art etc. Photos are on my IG account (not all of them as i took over 300!!!). 

Anyway, my desk-yep mess

Though i did make hubby an anniversary card! He has been in a band and collected records since he was a kid so that was the obvious background, i added a resin heart (i only had green resin so painted it silver after it set) and had the lock and key already so seemed perfect. 

My 'Man Bites Dog' cards this week-well i can rearrange them several times but each time its not a pleasant headline! 

cheeky day off today (hence the late link up) and it's chucking it down and very windy so plan on cleaning the craft room!! 

So, what's on your workdesk Wednesday?


Wednesday 21 September 2022


 Hi all just a quick update for what's on your workdesk Wednesday and starting with an apology as i didnt make it round many desks last week. So on my desk this week, well, its a mess and i decided, after reading some of your workdesk updates to sort out my scrap box! Why oh why? 

On the right is still my metal laptop stand which is now repurposed as a scrap paper holder whilst i clear up! 

My 'man bites dog' cards this week are 'Judge Sues Nude Wife'!! Oh well, guessing they would know a lawyer to use!! 

So, what's on your workdesk Wednesday?


Wednesday 14 September 2022


 Morning all, just a quick update for what's on your workdesk Wednesday. This was taken VERY early this morning (couldnt sleep so got up and remembered i needed to make a special birthday card) hence the flash on the photo and a rather overstuffed offcuts box!

Desk was full of 'other' stuff so was inspired by Helen and crafted on the floor! Always remember years ago at the WOYWW crop Julia and Jan set up an outlined desk space on the floor for helen!! Still brings a smile to my face now when i remember that. Sadly cant make this years crop but am looking forward to the photos post event.

Happy crafting 


Wednesday 7 September 2022


 Morning, only a quick update as pay the bills job is still taking over all my time. On my desk is STILL my 365 journal. I just need to stamp the dates and fill in the first week for September!! 

BUT on my desk is new stash!!! Well, 3 brushes from Cass Art. I have been trying to do some mindful painting techniques and failing, had the book from the library for months and only done one exercise! 

Been blaming the fact that i couldnt work out which brush was which (round 2 or a round 4 for example!) So i bought the 3 it recommends so now i have no excuse (watch this space for next weeks excuses!!). 

My Man Bites Dog cards this week are 'actor wife revealed terror tourist'- ooh bit sinister!

So what's on your workdesk Wednesday?


Wednesday 31 August 2022


Happy what's on your workdesk Wednesday where we share our desks and get me, crafting is actually taking place (well, last night). I have just gesso'd my 365 journal in readiness to make September's page. Havent decided on colours yet, must admit not bought any stash apart from card blanks for about 3 years so am using my spray inks up. 

My 'Man Bites Dog' cards this week are 'lost fake fans revealed'- ooh, now that sounds like a real headline!! 

So, what's on your desk this Wednesday?
Happy crafting

Wednesday 24 August 2022


 Morning all, just a quick update for what's on your workdesk Wednesday, its via my new phone hence i have NO idea how to turn the photo round!! 

My desk today is my dining room table as i sort through my seed box for the next sowing. I know a lot of allotment holders put their beds to sleep come winter but i must admit i never have. I often sow lettuce, turnips, beetroot, spring onions, land cress, spinach and chard. All can be harvested as they grow and if they are strong i cover them with cloches and try to over winter them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. When it does its great picking salads in december! 

So, whats on your workdesk?


Wednesday 3 August 2022


 Morning all, hope you are sitting down?

 Look-craft on my desk!!! Ok, admittedly its my bullet journal and my 365 journal ready for August (I can't believe it's August already!!) but still, paint and glue so that counts! It was last night so was only 2 days late for my journal so for me that is a win. 

 I will keep it short and sweet this week, my spare time is of course allotments and preserving (jam, chutney and a lot of dehydrated courgette crisps!)

So, what's on your workdesk Wednesday?


Happy crafting

Wednesday 27 July 2022


 Only a quick update, this was actually Tuesday evening and i tried updating via my phone so fingers crossed this works! Got really early meetings this morning so thought it best to capture my desk last night. As you can see its my allotment again (well one of them). I was lucky to finish worķ early so i could spend a couple hours on the plot, and lovely it was too.

I even remembered my Man Bites Dog cards! Luckily there was  no one else on the site so no funny looks! 

Squashes are finally taking off (i do grow a LOT of them, hence i was SO pleased after 2 yrs of waiting i got my 2nd plot as i get through at least 1 squash a week a year so growing and storing as many as i can saves me a lot of money). 

Beans, beetroot, sweetcorn, salads and sweetpeas doing well too.

And this is tonight's harvest, courgettes, potatoes, gooseberries, blackberries, edible flowers and nasturtium pods (which i will pickle as they taste like capers). Alreadý got a load of salad and radish at home from yesterday so that will keep me going for a few days.

So that's sort of my workdesk! 

Wednesday 6 July 2022


 Morning all, only a quick update this was my desk last night.

This is my july 365 journal page STILL not done! I need to finish it before i forget what i have been doing! Not done any crafting as work and the allotment have taken priority (ooh and i went to a gig and saw Adam Ant play live, ooh it took me right back to my youth!). 

Anyway, my Man bites Dog cards this week are 'Teen tricks Hero Nurse!' 
So, what's on your workdesk?

Wednesday 29 June 2022


Morning, so a bit different workdesk this week.  This was last night (as today my desk is covered with work so cant show that) and its the allotment!  
This is my 2nd plot (I have 2 half size plots) and I took this one on this year after being on the list for over 2 years.  It hadnt been cultivated for over a year so was thick in weeds so I decided to only cultivate half of it and cover the top half and plant through it (to allow the weeds below the covering to die back) and planted my squash through there, also there was a row of what looked potentially like flowers so I kept these (in the middle of the photo) and there are viola's, mulliens (tall spiky flower) and some floppy tall yellow ones (no idea what they are) and some lovely purple spikey ones too - either way they look lovely and the bee's love them!

after my tatties I then had a bed of strawberries.  To protect them a bit I covered them in old net curtains to keep the birds off!  Looks odd but is free and seems to work ok.  I placed my "man bites dog" cards on there and dealt "Dog weeps for Crazy Model" - well, bless the dog!

These are the tatties, some flowers, onions and sweetcorn.  At the back of the plot are some autumn raspberries and a VERY large red currant bush!

 hence this was last nights harvest.  Radish, spicy salad leaves, garlic scrapes, strawberries and red currants.  I also had a large bag of broad beans from my other plot I harvested yesterday so this will keep me going for a while.

So, like I said, a bit of a different update from me, but with work being super busy in the past year the allotment is a great break from work and time out (hence I even had a plot in my 20's when we rented a flat in Bath back in the early 90's)

So, What's on YOUR workdesk this Wednesday?


Wednesday 8 June 2022


Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday!  So, on my desk this week is STILL my journal to be finished for June (yes, I know....I will finish it this week honest!) and my bullet journal needs the june page constructing (I will do this later after work).

Not much else has changed on the desk (as is the way this time of year as the allotments keep me super busy outside of work).  My "man bites dog" cards actually make sense this week though! "Psychic tricks crazy lawyer!"


Thought I would share some photos from the jubilee weekend, we were lucky enough in the next village (about 20 mins walk from ours) to have the flypast of the Hurricane, Spitfire and  Lancaster planes and they circled overhead twice!

there was also some old buses being used to ferry people to a local parking area (we are lucky that we have a steam railway at the end of our estate so often see vintage vehicles around here)

and this is what my crafting in the past couple of weeks have been-first double batch of this years elderflower cordial made and bottled

and 14 jars of rhubarb chutney made (last year I made 42 jars of jams and chutneys, not to mention dried herbs, pickled nasturtium seeds, wild garlic salts, elderberry brandy and sloe gins) so that is this years harvesting off to a good start

I thought I would also share with you a recent urban sketch i did manage to do, sat on the seafront of sidmouth sketching buskers.

So, What's on your workdesk this wednesday?


Wednesday 1 June 2022


 Hello, things are still manic so i am rather behind. On my desk is my 365 journal, it isn't ready for the start of June and to be honest i doubt i will get a chance to do any more until the bank holiday when i get some time off work so hoping i can catch up on outstanding tasks, though there are so many!

Also on my desk is a lovely ATC from Christine aka Bishopsmate. So chuffed to get this, especially at the moment and loving the stamp used it says 'precious moments in time' love it, thanks Christine  

My 'man bites dog' cards this week are 'thousands brave downsize lover', nope no idea, some weeks they just don't make sense!  

So, what's on your workdesk Wednesday?


Wednesday 25 May 2022


Happy hump day and what's on your workdesk Wednesday. Really sorry I have gotten rather behind too much to do and not enough time. Anyhoo, on my desk (which currently has no room for crafting) are two lovely 13th Anniversary ATCs from Julia and Lunch lady Jan, love them and both so different yet totally clever with the 'connection ' theme. 

 Only a short one today as need to crack on and sorry i wasnt able to make all the returns this week.

Wednesday 18 May 2022

WOYWW 13th Anniversary

 Hello peeps, hope you are all well and been able to get some crafting in?  Well, the lovely Queen of desks Julia has been running this weekly get together for 13 years! Thanks to Julia over the (i think) roughly 11-12 yrs i have taken part i have met virtually and physically some amazing friends and learnt so much. 

Anyway back to the desk, been a bit absent recently what with work and the allotment there hasnt been as much time for crafting or blogging (apart from a trip to Birmingham to see Blondie after 2 years of waiting! It was brilliant).  On my desk this week is my "so called" "one sketch a day" book, this is the first sketch in over 3 weeks!  But its a sketch so that is something! Also the pens and brushes are STILL on the desk waiting for me to start the "watercolour for relaxation" course in the library book I blogged about previously!  Looks like I will have to renew the book again as STILL havent started!  To the right of my sketch book are 2 new badges I bought 1 says "Trust me I'm left handed!" and the other "I may be left handed but I'm always right!!" I couldn't resist these!  Having been called "cack handed" throughout my childhood and forced at school to write with a right handed fountain pen and then get told off for scratching the paper as I tried to write with my left hand!

My "Man Bites Dog" cards this week are "Cruel Convict Revealed Missing lover!"  well, thats an odd one!  Mind you they often are!

I thought I would also share a couple of sketches i did on location recently too.  On a day trip to Lyme Regis (my travel sketch kit is the black book with a homemade mini pallet and the white (well it was once) was a free sweat band I got from some council event that I use to mop up paint, clean the brush and hold all the kit together.  This was a fabulous sculpture of a juggling hare I came across in a park whilst over looking the sea.
This one was another day trip, this time to Seaton and I sketched this sat in a cafe outside overlooking this amazing sculpture on the sea wall made from metal with a wildflower meadow below and the sea behind, such a fabulous view from our table and the weather stayed nice too!

So, that's all from me, what's on your workdesk wednesday?  Later will be a couple ATCs i will be making to mark the occasion 


Wednesday 4 May 2022


 Happy hump day where we share what's on your workdesk Wednesday with the Queen of Desks the lovely Julia (and I can't believe its almost 13 years since she started it, I think I have been taking part for almost 12 years, it is amazing what a fantastic community she created).

So, on my desk this week is my 365 journal, a bit late in starting my May page so I am going to finish it today so that I am not too far behind.

Also on the desk (on the left) is my ATC die to remind me to make one for the 13th anniversary!  I must admit I forgot to get my "Man Bites Dog" cards out this week, I will try and remember for next week.

So, What's on Your Workdesk? 

Happy crafting
